3rd Party Accreditations, Verifications, and Certifications
Navarre attained initial ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) accreditation way back in 2008, a challenging period when Environmental initiatives were being delayed and cancelled, across the board, as a casualty of the financial crisis. Despite limited funds, rudimentary Material Recovery Facility (M.R.F.) technology, reduced manpower, and general industry apathy in the face of the Great Recession, we were able to meet and surpass the very strict and stringent requirements for attaining 14001 with a UKAS accredited provider. In doing so we were able to gain significant experience in the fields of environmental management including waste management and recycling. This journey was engaged upon with perfection in mind. Our construction waste recycling rates have increased from 82% (2008), to 85% (2013) to 93% (2017) and on to where we are in 2024 – 97%. Working in partnership with our carefully selected and vetted waste management contractors, our ultimate goal is to get our recycling ratios up to as close to 100% as is humanly, or technologically possible. We believe that that advances in technology will allow this to come to pass, sooner, rather than later. This is a necessary goal, as, after all, there is no “Planet B”.
In 2022 Navarre London Limited obtained Eco-Vadis Gold Medal accreditation. The EcoVadis score reflects the quality of a company’s sustainability management system at the time of the assessment. This grading places us within the top 5% of all Organisations’ performance within the EcoVadis system over the previous 12 months. Our stated intention is to continue to undertake continuous improvement in this field to improve our Environmental Importance, with a major focus on mentoring smaller Organisations within our supply chain, by integrating them within our own training and toolbox talk programmes and providing administrative support in helping them to establish their own environmental and waste management goals.
In 2023 the process of obtaining verification of PAS 2050 was commenced. As is to be expected, the PAS 2050 compliance process has driven an intense focus within our Organisation on our Carbon Footprint, including the capturing of data relating to our day-to day activities, ancillary services and their related emissions. As of March 2024, we stand on the cusp of external verification demonstrating our adherence to the PAS 2050 standard. It is our goal to continue to partner with like-minded organisations within our supply chain in order to enhance and promote the de-carbonisation of the construction sector.